What is the difference between Change And Transformation when it comes to those struggling with addictions?

There are lots of ways a person is able to get to a point where they have sustained behavioral change. It can be a slow change over a period of time, or it can be quick, uninvited and completely unexpected.

Definition of Change

According to Merriam-Webster, Change is to switch, become different. It can be the act of alteration, substitution, and even transformation. Each year many people vow to change things in their lives for the better. In many cases the change does not last. Therefore, they have a tendency to revert back to the old habit or behavior.

Definition Of Transformation

Again according to Merriam-Webster, Transformation is an act, process, or instance of transforming or being transformed. This is similar to the definition of change in that it is an act of changing.

Putting Change And Transformation Together

Transformational Change is like a re-birth of a persons’ life when it comes to thinking and decision making. It is as if a persons’ spirit ends up in fragments and is destroyed. This involves a total collapse of the former self (White 2004). This can be broken down into steps that happen before the change and transformation.  Moreover, this is what brings about the transformational change.

  • A Calamity – where a persons’ life is impaired or is unmanageable.
  • The Admission Of Defeat – where a person accepts that any and all attempts to solve the problem have not worked.
  • The Appeal For Help – The appeal for help can be from others, and or divine intervention

Through this process is where true transformation takes place. A caterpillar spends time in life eating in preparation to spinning a cocoon. After the cocoon is complete, the true transformation takes place. In time, the caterpillar’s transformation is complete and permanent. It will never go back to being a caterpillar again.

At Chrysalis Continuing Care we help those that are struggling. We help those who are struggling change and transform! We have individual programs and many treatment groups that can help you or a loved one!